We are thrilled to announce the successful organization of the HSUHK Inter-University Innovation Project Competition 2024: FinTech x ChatGPT! This event brought together brilliant minds from various universities to showcase their innovative projects, pushing the boundaries of FinTech and AI integration.
We invite you to check out the highlights of this incredible event in our photo gallery and video below. Thank you to everyone who participated and supported us in making this competition a grand success. Stay tuned for exciting updates and details about next year's competition!

Photo Gallery

About the Competition

The HSUHK Innovation Project Competition, organized by the Department of Economics and Finance (EAF) in collaboration with the School of Business and the Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL), aims to promote a culture of innovation and creativity among Universities students, the competition seeks to raise students’ awareness of critical development in FinTech, both locally and globally. Through comprehensive training in various modes and selected themes, and a showcase of project proposals through on-stage pitching, the competition aims to significantly enrich the student FinTech learning experience.

Theme of the Year : FinTech x ChatGPT

The HSUHK Innovation Project Competition 2024 is thrilled to announce its focus on the dynamic field of financial technology, commonly known as FinTech. FinTech utilizes technology to enhance and automate financial services, aiming to make them more efficient, accessible, and user-friendly. With the advent of ChatGPT, an interface that enables interaction with the powerful AI model, the future of FinTech innovation is brimming with possibilities.

Imagine a world where ChatGPT revolutionizes the user experience, propels customer engagement to new heights, automates complex processes, provides accurate predictions, and offers personalized financial advice. This year, we invite talented students, to take the challenge, develop innovative solutions and showcase their ingenuity that leverage ChatGPT to transform the FinTech landscape.

The HSUHK Innovation Project Competition 2024 is your platform to unlock new possibilities in FinTech innovation. Embrace the power of ChatGPT and let your ideas flourish. Together, we can shape a future where technology enhances financial services, making them more efficient, accessible, and personalized for all.


Through joining this Competition, you can: 

  • Gain expertise in AI and natural language processing with real-world financial data.
  • Learn from industry experts through workshops and talks on Fintech and AI trends.
  • Collaborate and network with peers from local universities.
  • Showcase creativity by solving FinTech challenges using ChatGPT.
  • Refine presentation skills through multimedia presentations and pitching to judge.

Your innovative FinTech x ChatGPT project can fall into one of the following categories: (not limited to)

  • Wealth management and investing
  • Financial risk management and compliance
  • Personal finance and budgeting 
  • Insurance 
  • Payments and money transfer


Talk Series and Workshops

Free-of-charge! Register Now!

<Talks and workshop details to be announced.>

We have organized a series of talks and training workshops focused on FinTech, innovation, real-life case sharing, and presentation skills. These sessions aim to equip you with the necessary knowledge and ideas to enhance your preparation for the pitching competition. Whether you are participating in the Innovation Competition or not, all HSUHK students are welcome to attend and benefit from these informative talks and workshops. They will undoubtedly assist you in refining your proposal and expanding your understanding of the subject matter.

*ECA hours/iGPS units will be granted to participants attending each workshop.

Competition Details


The team must include at least one students from the following participating universities: 

– The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK)

– Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU)

– The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) 

– The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK)

Entry Requirements
  • Participants must form a project team of 2 to 4 students and submit the application form by 23:59, 29 December 2023 (Friday)(Participating project teams DO NOT need to submit proposals in the application stage). 
  • At least 50% of their teammates should sign up for all the workshops and activities lined up. The attendance may affect their chance of being shortlisted/ will be shown in the marking sheet. 
  • Each project team may submit ONE entry only. 
  • The entry must be the students’ own work demonstrating their innovative concept, creative design/modelling, as well as its practicability and impact. 

The entry shall be a proposal outlining a FinTech and ChatGPT innovation project, which may be in the form of an advocacy event, a start-up, a collaboration with NGO(s), an enhancement plan for an existing project etc. 

The proposal should illustrate the following content: 
-Need or problem identification 
-Existing solution(s) (if any) 
-Proposed solution(s) (including format, timeline, operation details, budget, expected difficulties and solutions, etc.) 
-Expected impact to the beneficiaries and/or an organisation 

Each team has to submit a proposal with the following requirements:

• MUST be in Powtoon or PowerPoint format
• Maximum 25-30 slides for Powerpoint or 5-10 minutes for Powtoon
• Any text, images and videos can be included
• Should be in English
Submitted electronically via the Proposal Submission Microsoft Form
by 03 May 2024 23:59 (Friday).

Assessment Criteria

– The judge panel reserves the right to shortlist the participating project teams for the Pitching Competition.
– Each (shortlisted) project team must send at least one member to attend the Pitching Competition to compete for the awards.
– A panel of judges will be appointed to assess the entries based on the following criteria:

    • Innovativeness (25%)
    • Relevance and impact (25%)
    • Proposal write-up (30%)
    • Presentation (20%)
Prizes and Awards
  • Champion: HK$20,000 and an award certificate 
  • 1st runner-up: HK$10,000 and an award certificate 
  • 2nd runner-up: HK$5,000 and an award certificate
  • All shortlisted and participating teams will also have the opportunity to win a Special Prize: HK$3,000 each and an award certificate 
Announcement of Results
  • The results will be announced shortly after the Pitching Competition at the Award Presentation Ceremony. 
  • The awarded project teams must attend the Award Presentation Ceremony to receive the awards. 
  • The organisers reserve the right of rescheduling the date of the Award Presentation Ceremony depending on the situation. 
  • The decision of the judge panel is final. 
General Terms, Confidentiality and Intellectual Property
  • The organisers reserve the right not to accept any application submitted in response to this Competition and the right to interpret, amend, supplement the terms and conditions in the guidelines.
  • The organisers reserve the right to disqualify any team that violates the rules, conditions or spirit of the Competition. In case of any dispute, any decision made by the organisers shall be final and conclusive.
  • All materials submitted must be original work and must not contain any unauthorised use of copyrighted or proprietary materials of any person or entity. Any form of plagiarism will result in automatic disqualification. Use of thoughts or work of another source must be properly referenced.

Workshop Details

Workshop #01


Talk Series #1: Web 3.0 – Transitioning from FinTech to TechFin

  • Date: 2 November 2023 (Thursday)
  • Time: 14:00 – 15:00
  • Mode: Zoom 
  • Speaker:
    Mr Albert Yip, Chairman of Syndicate Capital Group

Workshop #02

ChatGPT in the financial world

Mastering the art of persuasive pitching – Essential skills for success


  • Date: 27 January 2024 (Saturday)
  • Time: 10 am to 12:45 pm (Registration starts at 9:45 am)
  • Venue: N102, Lo Hui Kit San Building, HSUHK


Talk 1: ChatGPT – An “Innovative” Disruption to the Financial Market.

Talk 2: From Idea to Impact: Crafting Winning Proposals


Date: 10:00AM- 12:30AM

Time: 13th April 2024

Venue: Room 314, 3/f, S H Ho Academic Building (Site A), HSUHK

Project submission deadline :

Project submission deadline : 03 May 2024 (Friday)

Shortlisted Team will be informed in the week of 20 May 2024



Supporting Organization

Participating University





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